Friday, September 21, 2012

Numbers, I have a great amount of numbers in this art work to act as if they were falling, by having a group of the numbers cluttered at the top but had fewer and fewer as you go down the page along with the angles they are placed makes the numbers look as if they were falling off the page. The point of view in this image is the Big number 5 and 6 combined together because it is the biggest image in the picture along with the white right behind it gives a lot of contrast to the picture to allure the eye of who is looking at the art work.

Pattern design, I solved this by using multiple circles that layered together with different patterns in each circle which allowed different patterns to form along with the original patterns i used. The focal point in the art work is the dark pattern in the shape of an oval instead of a circle with a light pattern on top of to to draw the viewers eye to that part of the image. 
Values, there are a lot of lights and darks within this piece of art work which allows a lot of different values that flow through out the page. also the focal point of the picture is the blurred start because it has the most contrast and is a completely different shape from the rest of the shapes to bring the star the main focus of the picture.

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